Concepcion, 15-01-2024, WONAPDE 2024, Advances in Polytopic Methods, Organiser : Botti, Michele Bonn, 11-06-2024, CMAM-10, Advances in p- and hp-, and problem oriented Galerkin methods, Organiser : Mascotto, Lorenzo Valencia, 06-04-2025, Math 2 Product, Polytopal methods and applications: A NEMESIS mini-symposium, Organiser : Di Pietro, Daniele McGill University, Montréal, Canada, 13-07-2025, ICOSAHOM 2025, Discrete complexes and polytopal methods: a NEMESIS minisymposium, Organiser : Di Pietro, Daniele
Plenary and semi-plenary lectures
KAM Conference Center Chania, Crete Island, 08-09-2023, HONOM2024, High-Order NOnlinear numerical Methods for evolutionary PDEs: theory and applications, Speaker : Antonietti, Paola F. University of Naples ``Federico Secondo'', 30-01-2024, Calcolo Scientifico e Modelli Matematici, Enriching VEM with singular functions for crack propagation, Speaker : Mascotto, Lorenzo Padova, Italy, 22-02-2024, PINN-PAD: Physics Informed Neural Networks in PADova, Machine Learning-enhanced Polytopal Finite Element Methods, Speaker : Antonietti, Paola F. Wissant, France, 07-03-2024, HIPOTHEC workshop, An introduction to Discrete de Rham (DDR) methods, Speaker : Di Pietro, Daniele Cambridge, UK, 08-03-2024, PAMIR, Simultaneously evolved Point values, Averages, and Moments and their Inter-Relation, ML-enhanced Polytopal Finite Element methods, Speaker : Antonietti, Paola F. Cambridge, UK, 08-03-2024, PAMIR, Simultaneously evolved Point values, Averages, and Moments and their Inter-Relation, The discrete de Rham complex, and its application to the Navier–Stokes equations, Speaker : Droniou, Jérôme INRIA Paris, 12-05-2024, POEMS 2024, Polytopal Exterior Calculus, Speaker : Di Pietro, Daniele Sevilla , 03-06-2024, 2024 ECM24, 9th European Congress of Mathematics, Speaker : Antonietti, Paola F. Lisboa , 05-06-2024, ECCOMAS 2024, The 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering , Speaker : Antonietti, Paola F. INRIA Lille, 11-06-2024, New Trends in the Numerical Analysis of PDE , The Exterior Calculus Discrete De Rham complex, Speaker : Droniou, Jérôme Monopoli (Italy), 13-06-2024, SDS 2024, Introduction to Virtual Elements, Speaker : Beirão da Veiga, Lourenço Montpellier, 19-06-2024, NEMESIS kick-off workshop, Polytopal approximations of Hilbert complexes, Speaker : Di Pietro, Daniele Montpellier, 19-06-2024, NEMESIS kick-off workshop, Analysis approaches for polytopal schemes - the linear and nonlinear cases, Speaker : Droniou, Jérôme Montpellier , 19-06-2024, NEMESIS kick-off workshop, Machine learning-enhanced polytopal finite element methods, Speaker : Antonietti, Paola F. Montpellier, 19-06-2024, MIPS Colloquia, A new generation of numerical methods for partial differential equations: The NEMESIS project, Speaker : Di Pietro, Daniele Montpellier, 19-06-2024, NEMESIS Kick-off workshop, Interpolation estimates for virtual element complexes, Speaker : Mascotto, Lorenzo Montpellier, 19-06-2024, NEMESIS Kick-off workshop, Convection robust elements in Magnetohydrodynamics, Speaker : Beirão da Veiga, Lourenço Montpellier, 21-06-2024, NEMESIS Kick-off workshop, Divergence-free virtual element method for Stokes and Navier-Stokes problems, Speaker : Dassi, Franco Geneva, 10-09-2024, Swiss Numerical Analysis Day 2024, On space-time RAS methods for wave-type equations, Speaker : Ciaramella, Gabriele INRIA Paris, 03-12-2024, POEMS 2024, The exterior calculus Discrete De Rham method on manifolds and application to the Maxwell equations, Speaker : Droniou, Jérôme INRIA Paris, 04-12-2024, POEMS 2024, A Nečas-Lions ineq. with symgrad on star-shaped domains based on a first order Babuska-Aziz ineq., Speaker : Mascotto, Lorenzo Inria Paris, 04-12-2024, POEMs 2024, POlytopal Element Methods in Mathematics and Engineering, Polytopal discontinuous Galerkin methods for interface problems: elasticity, poroelasticity, and fre, Speaker : Botti, Michele Università di Ferrara, Italy, 19-12-2024, NumAspYoung 2024, Numerical Aspects of Hyperbolic Balance Laws and Related Problems, Discontinuous Galerkin methods for multiphysics simulation of wave propagation processes, Speaker : Botti, Michele
Invited presentations in mini-symposia
Concepcion, 16-01-2024, WONAPDE 2024, Recent advances in hybridizable DG methods and applications, Residual-based a posteriori error estimates for an hp DG method of the biharmonic problem, Speaker : Mascotto, Lorenzo Concepcion (Chile), 16-01-2024, WONAPDE 2024, Recent Advances in Polytopic Methods, A Deeper Investigation On Virtual Element Accuracy: The Role Of Bulk And Boundary Approximations, Speaker : Beirão da Veiga, Lourenço Hong Kong, 30-05-2024, International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing for Partial Differential Equations, Residual-based a posteriori error estimates for an hp DG method of the biharmonic problem, Speaker : Mascotto, Lorenzo Bonn, 12-06-2024, CMAM-10, Variational methods for evolutionary PDEs , Space-time virtual elements: a priori error analysis, residual error estimators, and adaptivity, Speaker : Mascotto, Lorenzo Vancouver Conference Center, 23-07-2024, WCCM-PANCAM 24, Advance modeling and simulation in complex porous media, Bubble-stabilised polytopal scheme for flows in fractured media with frictional contact, Speaker : Droniou, Jérôme Monash university, 19-11-2024, Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC), Hybrid and polytopal methods, Design and analysis of an extended virtual element method, Speaker : Droniou, Jérôme Universidad de Concepcion, Chile, 16-01-2025, WONAPDE 2024, VII Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Recent Advances in (Hybridizable) Discontinuous Galerkin Methods and Applications, Functional inequalities in piecewise Sobolev spaces and applications to discontinuous methods, Speaker : Botti, Michele
Invited seminars
Politecnico di Milano , 13-11-2023, Interview Alumni, Speaker : Antonietti, Paola F. WONAPDE 2024, 16-01-2024, Mixed variational formulations of Virtual Elements for the Polyharmonic operator (−∆)^n Università di Bergamo, 14-02-2024, An introduction to Discrete de Rham (DDR) methods, Speaker : Di Pietro, Daniele Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 18-04-2024, On space-time RAS methods for wave-type equations, Speaker : Ciaramella, Gabriele Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples, 02-05-2024, Basic principles of polytopal approximations of partial differential equations, Speaker : Di Pietro, Daniele Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne Université, 25-10-2024, A complete theory of discrete trace and lifting for hybrid polytopal methods, Speaker : Droniou, Jérôme University of Arizona, 13-02-2025, Polytopal approximations of the de Rham complex, Speaker : Di Pietro, Daniele City University of Hong Kong, Departiment of Mathematics (online seminar), 21-02-2025, Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the numerical simulation of thermoporoelastic processes., Speaker : Botti, Michele
General public conferences
Collegio Ghislieri (Pavia, Italy), 22-02-2024, Approssimazione numerica di sistemi fisici, Speaker : Di Pietro, Daniele Trescore Balneario (BG), Italy, 03-05-2024, Matematica numerica per contrastare il cambiamento climatico, Speaker : Botti, Michele
Scientific animation
PAM - Podcast di Matematica , 11-12-2023, Matematica alla scoperta del cervello, Animator : Antonietti, Paola F.
International courses
Online Event, 10-01-2024,